Previous Artist – David Taylor
David, a ‘gentle giant’ type of man from Bowna in New South Wales has a passion for the land, having spent most of his career in land care and management. In his aerial photographic work, he is able to combine this love of the land with his other passion; flying.
‘I get to see this amazing world from a unique perspective. From drought to flood, the colours and patterns are a kaleidoscope of colour and shape passing below. Every day is different and the images I capture can never be repeated due to timing, light, weather patterns, seasons and land movements’.
David gives new meaning to the expression ‘This man is going places’. He flies his Cessna 210 into places like Cape Leveque, The Flinders Ranges, Northern Territory, Lake Froam, The Kimberleys, Lake Eyre and the Tanami Desert and Tony and I have had the pleasure of flying with David and his wife Gill on one of these ‘expeditions’. A truly memorable experience!
The photos below are from David’s first exhibition two years ago and we have just attended his second exhibition which was even more stunning. In this latest exhibition David had the images printed onto archival art paper rather than the classic photographic paper and …. the result was beautiful! They really looked more like artworks than they did like photos. I have bought three of David’s photographic artworks to date and Tony just recently added another to our collection.
David’s work is only available for sale in limited edition. He shoots with a medium format camera (ie. superb quality and expensive!) and therefore gets results that we other camera buffs can only dream of.
When you consider the effort and cost that is put into getting these stunning images in remote parts of Australia, these prices are more than reasonable.
There are also some lovely photos of animals – I particularly like the ‘healing horses’ that David was commissioned to photograph – amazing story!!
link to David’s website: